Possible Solutions

To solve the problem of Austria’s decreasing population, their main solution should be to increase migration. They could achieve this by increasing jobs, or upgrading the education system by building universities etc. This will be an incentive for workers and students to come to the country as they now see a clear benefit of migrating to this country. Decreasing life expectancy and the living standard would increase the amount of children, but would be going backwards in country development. A different way of increasing population, is to give baby bonuses to families that have children. This encourage families to have more children and therefore increase population. Austria’s migration is only at two per thousand, and if increased, could dramatically help Austria’s population problems.           

    To solve the problem of the too high dependency load, Austria should start now so in the future, the problem doesn’t grow worse. They should start now by introducing senior services and taxing people now to aid the children later who will have to uphold the gigantic dependency load. With senior services, the working class won’t have to put in so much towards elderly programs. In general, the government should begin to support the elderly more, to help the future working class.

    Lastly, to solve the problem of women outnumbering men by so much in older years, programs should be set up to encourage health and fitness especially in men. Such as a decrease in drinking and alcohol consumption or more investment into fitness centers, encouraging more citizens to lead healthy lives. Health and fitness programs should also be emphasized in school, creating a habit of staying healthy even when the students make the transition to the working world.